Filing Requirements
- Specification and claims in Estonian, drawings, abstract in Estonian and in English, information about the inventor and applicant
- If the application materials were not filed in Estonian, the Estonian translation must be filed within 2 months
- Priority document within 4 months from the filing date in Estonia
Representation before the Estonian Patent Office
A person with no residence, seat or commercial or industrial enterprise operating in Estonia must authorize a patent attorney as a representative before the Estonian Patent Office.
- Estonian utility model will not be examined to see whether it is novel or inventive. Only formal examination will be carried out.
- The Estonian Patent Office will conduct a prior art search and publish the search report in the database of utility models simultaneously with the utility model registration.
- It is possible to postpone registration of utility model and publication of search report up to 18 months as of the priority date.
- Utility model protection lasts for the maximum of 10 years, renewals before 4+4+2 years